Friday, 24 October 2014

SHA Profiling Ronelle Lyson




For those of you who haven't heard,we're starting a new series on profiling key employees at SHA just so you can get to know them a little better.

Our first victim will be Ronelle Lyson who is our Office Administrator.Let's see what she has to say:

          Could you tell me how you first got involved with SHA?

Three years ago SHA had a Nedbank Campaign in the Contact Centre and they required agents to dial. I was interviewed for this position and started off my journey at SHA as a Contact Centre agent. I was then offered a role as Switchboard Operator on a contract basis.  I think I managed to impress my bosses cause I was then offered a permanent position at SHA and three years on and I am still here J

·              What was your initial impression of SHA and what made you feel or think that way?

When I first joined SHA we operated from a small office and everyone was very warm and welcoming. You had a sense of not just finding employment but waking up every day and going to work cause you wanted to and not cause you have to. The atmosphere at SHA is the key quality to the productivity in the business. We work in an atmosphere that allows us to grow not only as an individual in a business capacity but also in a personal capacity.

·                           What has been the best and the worst thing to happen to you at SHA?

The best thing to happen to me without a doubt will be our first intake of the BANKSETA Learners. It was the first time that I worked with people with disabilities. This was a great learning experience for myself as I had preconceived notions about what to expect from having disabled Learners with us on a daily basis. They have taught me so much and I was honored to be able to create a bond with each of them. The best thing was watching them develop into who they are today and it makes me proud knowing that I had a hand in assisting them reach their goals and each and every one of them have made me extremely proud….they even call me or message me when they have achieved something and tell me all the time that SHA is the reason they are where they are.
The worst thing that has happen to me at SHA……. I really can’t think of anything as every day is a new adventure here at SHA. You have no idea some days what may get thrown at you (figuratively speaking). Personally I have learned a lot from the three years being at SHA and I can’t say that there’s anything bad that happened to me here.

·                           What might people be surprised to know about you?

I am terrified of the dark…..

What has surprised you most about working at SHA?

I think it’s the way our CEO and GM treat us. They make it known to us that our opinions and ideas are valued and taken seriously. The thing that surprises me the most is that we are able to develop an open relationship like this at SHA. Normally in other companies you will encounter the formidable CEO / GM who is unapproachable but at SHA it’s not like that. We are able to communicate openly with Stan and Wes and they take your point of view into consideration and offer you feedback and give you credit where its due.

When your friends/family find out that you work at SHA, what do they say or ask?

“Organize us a job there”

Well there you have it,our first look into what our employees are like. Next week we'll have another profiling in our series.

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